
The overall objective is to educate experts in the field of Water Resource Management who are on demand for leading positions in the water sector and are able to manage complex projects for international institutions, governmental organizations and companies operating in Vietnam and abroad.

Target group

The ideal student holds at minimum a bachelor degree and has some working experience at an institution or company in the water sector (not obligatory). He or she should have a good command of English and have good communicative skills.

The participants may come from a variety of backgrounds: engineering sciences, geosciences, natural sciences – life sciences, agricultural science, and social science with any relation to the water sector.

Students from other countries of Southeast Asia and worldwide are also very much welcomed to join the course.

Teaching contents and aims

The studies cover a period of four semesters. The fourth semester is dedicated to the master thesis. The research for the thesis will be normally done inside a research project of one of the partners, inside a project of the development cooperation or at partner institution or company.

The didactic concepts consists of technical, management and economic components. All of these components are equally important for the future work of experts and leaders in the water sector. In class, modern methods of teaching should be applied such as problem based learning, interactive teaching, concept mapping and computer based learning.


German MSc degree issued by the Cologne University of Applied Sciences.

Language of instruction


German language course

A German class will be offered beside the normal lectures.

Study opportunity in Germany

The same program is offered parallel in Germany. Because of this it will be possible for outstanding student to go for one or two semester to Germany. The successful participation in the German language course is a precondition.

Start of the program

First semester starts always in September.

Application deadline

The application period starts at December, 15th 2011 and ends at June, 30th 2012.


Will be available soon.


Will be available soon.